I love Matisse and William Scott so you will see echoes of their work in my prints and sketches. I like off-key compositions, snap shots, caught moments, rather than posed and perfect constructions. I like beautiful imperfections and accidents - well, not all accidents but you know what I mean.
I keep coming back to the kitchen table theme, plates with fruit, coffee pots and cups. Different cups, different places, different people - cups with associations of time and place. I like that. It’s personal and some of the people are no longer with us, so it’s sometimes nostalgic, but it’s also very human and friendly. Personal and relatable. A cup of coffee is reassuring. Friendly. Familiar. Comforting.
Someone asked me why my work didn’t have more people in it - I was shocked - we’re the people - this is our view, we’re sharing this moment together - artist and viewer. Sit and linger over a coffee with me. Cx
Ken’s Table, France